Pascale Diverlus is born of a lineage of Haitian freedom fighters. She is an award-winning community organizer, storyteller, communications specialist, digital strategist, and educator.

Pascale’s practice is rooted in reimagining, redefining, and rebuilding a different, better world— liberation through all methods. As an educator, she supports organizations, agencies, and businesses to develop and adopt organizational transformation rooted in anti-oppressive frameworks. This includes unpacking and unearthing anti-Black racism, misogynoir, cissexism, and other systems of oppression within the workplace and society. She creates equity-based assessments, conducts internal reviews, and assists in the implementation of practices, policies and protocols centred on equity and human rights practices. She is a freelance writer whose words have been featured in the Toronto Star, Flare Magazine and Chatelaine Magazine amongst others. With pen and mic, she is instrumental to today’s social movements for marginalized people to attain joy, love, revolution and freedom.

For nearly a decade, Pascale has stood on the frontlines calling for justice; she is a co-founder and former lead organizer for Black Lives Matter -Toronto, the first international iteration of the Black Lives Matter movement. During her time, Pascale led the movement’s community engagement, curriculum development, public education, and direct action coordination. Pascale was a core organizer of BLMTO’s biggest actions, including #BLMTOTentCity and halting Toronto Pride to highlight the over-policing of Toronto’s Black queer and trans community. Previously, she was a student activist on multiple Toronto campuses calling for free education, robust sexual violence policies and police-free campuses. 

Pascale sits on the advisory board of many social justice organizations including; Adornment Stories, a platform for Black women and femmes to share their voices, gain mental wellness inspiration, and receive arts education. She is a social justice advisor for Resource Movement, she advises this community of young people with wealth and/or class privilege working toward the redistribution of wealth, land, and power to marginalized and social justice movements. She is also on the QTBIPOC advisory committee for Across Boundaries, a mental health organization providing equitable, holistic mental health and addiction services for racialized communities.

Pascale is the recipient of the J.S Woodsworth Human Rights Award, the Viola Desmond Award and the Evelyn Myrie Political Action Award. Though young, eager and determined for change, Pascale is a firm believer that at the core of revolution and change is love. That is what drives her passion.